Who We Are and How We Started
Elder Care Consultants of Boston was founded as a direct result of Mary Boyle-Fox’s father’s battle with Alzheimer’s Her father, Jack, was raised during the Great Depression, became an All-American football player, and served his country during WWII as a Naval Pilot.
He was shot down over the Pacific, floating at sea for several days before being rescued. After the war, he completed college and joined the company AT&T where for several years he climbed telephone poles to help wire Upstate New York. He retired as a senior executive. Jack and his wife Irene raised 8 children and enjoyed a retirement of family and golf.
After Mary’s mother passed away it became clear that Jack was becoming confused. The family’s attention to their mother’s prolonged illness had masked the early phases of his dementia, and despite an extended family that included physicians, nurses, teachers, police officers, and attorneys they were at a loss as to what to do. They simply could not provide Jack with the services he needed. Nursing homes were unsatisfactory. Generic, social service based, home workers were unreliable.
Faced with these challenges and through persistent trial and error, Mary was able to create a solid foundation of support and care for her father. It is this dedication to service and success that Mary brings to all our clients.”Every client becomes my dad”, says Mary.

Mary Boyle-Fox
Mary Boyle-Fox has extensive clinical training and experience in the field of health care with a specialty in neurology, psychiatry and aging. She earned her Master’s of Science in Adult Clinical Psychiatric Nursing from Yale University. Since 1982, she has practiced as a family therapist, psychiatric clinical nurse specialist and clinical supervisor to graduate nursing students.
Mary brought her medical and psychiatric expertise to the practice of Professional Geriatric Care Management in 2003. She has been providing elder care consulting and management for clients and their families with multiple medical diagnoses, elders with diagnosis of dementia, and other challenging circumstances associated with aging. Mary’s expertise in medical, cognitive and behavioral issues differentiate her in this specialized provision of service.
Boston College, BSN 1978
Yale University, MSN 1982
Aging Life Care Association
American Nurses Association
American Psychiatric Nurse’s Association
National Association of Clinical Nurse Specialis
Alzheimer’s Association

Charlene Fay
Charlene Fay R.N is an experienced clinician who has worked with the geriatric population for over a decade. Her area of expertise is working with the cognitively impaired. Charlene is the director of home care services with Elder Care Consultants of Boston.
Charlene graduated from University College of Cork Ireland, in 2003 with a Bachelor’s of Social Science and emigrated to the U.S in early 2004 where she completed her Bachelor’s of science in Nursing at Curry College. Her dedication and passion is often described as the “breath of fresh air” that families welcome.